for Today
An artistic recreation of the temple destroyed in 70 A.D
What Commandments Are Possible Without a Temple?
Of the 613 Commandments historically derived from the Old Testament, many of them are dependent upon there being a temple standing. However, the temple described in the bible was destroyed in 70 A.D. and no longer exists in Jerusalem. Because of that, many of the 613 Commandments are simply not possible today. Yet many other commandments are still possible without a temple. In this section we will explore those commandments that can still be done today.
Commandments About God and Idolatry
Positive Cammandments:
Believe God is One (Note: Trinitarians believe in one God)
Love God
Fear (Respect) God
Treat God as Holy
Walk in God's Ways
Negative Commandments:
Don't Think of Other God's
Don't Make Idols for Self
Don't Make Idols for Others
Don't Bow Down to Idols
Don't Worship Idols
Don't Swear by Idols
Don't Teach Idolatry
Don't Eat or Drink Things Offered to Idols
Don't Give Attention to Idols
Don't Benefit from Idols as Decore
Don't Benefit From Idol Practices
Don't Have Mercy on an Idolater
Don't Practice Heathen Customs
Don't Listen to Prophets of Idols
Don't Entice Into Idolatry
Don't Give Affection to an Enticer
Don't Stop Hating an Enticer
Don't Rescue an Enticer
Don't Become a Prophet for an Idol
Don't Cut Yourself for the Dead or Idols
Don't make an image of a human
Don't profane God's name
Don't go astray after the thought of your heart or the sight of your eyes
Don't destroy holy objects or names
Don't prophesy falsehood in the name of God
Commandments About Family and Sexuality
Positive Commandments:
Be Fruitful and Multiply
Marry by Ceremony
Perform Leverite Marriages
"Remove the Shoe" if Declining a Leverite Marriage
Circumcise Males on 8th Day
Consecrate 1st Born
Redeem 1st Born
Negative Commandments:
Do Not Marry a Non-Believer
Don't Deny Your Wife Her Marital Rights
Don't have inappropriate contact with kin even if it's non-intimate
Don't have intimate relations with father
Don't have intimate relations with mother
Don't have intimate relations with father's wife
Don't have intimate relations with uncle
Don't have intimate relations with daughter-in-law
Don't have homosexual intimate relations
Don't have intimate relations with an animal as a male
Don't receive intimate relations from an animal as a female
Don't have intimate relations with a grand-daughter
Don't have intimate relations with a daughter
Don't have intimate relations with both a woman and her daughter
Don't have intimate relations with both a woman and her son's daughter
Don't have intimate relations with a woman and her daughter's daughter
Don't commit adultery
Don't have intimate relations with your aunt who is not blood related
Don't have intimate relations with your sister-in-law
Don't have intimate relations with your sister
Don't have intimate relations with your brother's wife
Don't have intimate relations with your Aunt who is blood related via your father
Don't have intimate relations with your aunt who is blood related via your mother
Don't have intimate relations with your wive's sister
Don't have intimate relations with a woman during her period
Don't have intimate relations outside of marriage
Do not remarry a former wife who married another after your divorce
A childless widow shall not marry another man besides her deceased husband's brother
A man with crushed testes shall not marry a jewish woman
A bastard shall not marry a jewish woman
Don't emasculate any male being
Commandments About Holy Days
Positive Commandments:
Be Happy on a Festival
Positive Commandments:
Declare Sabbath
Rest on Sabbath
Light Sabbath Candles (RABBINICAL)
Sabbath "Eruv" Boundary (RABBINICAL)
Negative Commandments:
Don't Work on the Sabbath
Don't Travel Too Far on Sabbath
Positive Commandments:
Remove Leavened Bread
Eat Unleavened Bread
Tell Exodus Story on Passover
Rest on 1st Day of Unleavened Bread
Rest on 7th Day of Unleavened Bread
Negative Commandments:
Don't See Unleavened Bread in Home
Don't Have Unleavened Bread in Home
Don't Eat Unleavened Bread
Don't Eat a Mixture With Unleavened Bread
Don't work on the first day of unleavened bread
Don't work on the 7th day of unleavened bread
Positive Commandments:
Count the Omer
Positive Commandments:
Rest on Shavuot
Negative Commandments:
Don't work on Shavuot
Positive Commandments:
Rest on Rosh Hashana
Hear the Shofar
Negative Commandments:
Don't work on Rosh HaShanah
Positive Commandments:
Rest on Yom Kippur
Fast on Yom Kippur
Negative Commandments:
Don't work on Yom Kippur
Positive Commandments:
Rest on the 1st Day of Sukkot
Dwell in a Sukkah
Take up the Lulav and Etrog
Negative Commandments:
Don't work on the 1st day of Sukkot
Positive Commandments:
Rest on Shemini Atzaret
Negative Commandments:
Don't work on Sh'mini Atzareth (8th day of Sukkot)
Positive Commandments:
Hear the book of Esther
Have a Festive Meal
Give 2 Food Items as Gifts
Give Charity to at least 2 of the Poor
Positive Commandments:
Light the Menorah (8 Days)
Recite Hallel (Psalm 113-118)
Commandments About Work, Business , Money and Personal Property
Positive Commandments:
Give to the Poor
Lend to Poor
Give Back Pledges as Needed
Forgive Loans on Shemitah
Laborers Have Right to Eat
Pay Wages the Same Day
Return Stolen Property
Return What is Lost
Negative Commandments:
Do Not Keep Others Things That Do Not Belong To You
Don't Delay in Paying Wages
Don't Covet What Belongs to Others
Don't Crave What You Don't Have
Don't Cheat in Matters of Trade
Don't Demand Poor to Repay When They Have No Means
Don't Charge Interest to a Believer
Have no dealings between a lender and borrower at interest
Do not borrow from a believer at interest
Do not demand repayment if Sh'mittah has passed
Do not take a pledge of Utensils used to make sustaining food
Don't take pledges back by force
Do not take a widow's garment as a pledge
Do not withhold a pledge when needed
Don't use unjust weights
Don't possess diverse weights
Don't ignore lost things
Don't eat from the field you are working until the work is done
Don't steal produce from the field in which you work
Commandments About Respect
Positive Commandments:
Rise Up in the Presence of an Elder (Honor Your Seniors)
Have Reverence for a Sanctuary (Church, Synagogue, Holy Place, etc.)
Honor Your Parents
Fear (Respect) Your Parents Authority
Honor a Kohen (Priest)
Negative Commandments:
Don't Hit a Parent
Do not Curse a Judge
Don't deviate from the words of great beth din (Religious Court)
Commandments About Prayer
Positive Commandments:
Pray 3 times a day (Morning, Afternoon. Night)
Recite Shema (Waking and before bed)
Say Grace After Meals
Confess and Repent of Sins
Say Hallel on Special Occasions (RABBINICAL)
Say Blessings for Certain Things (RABBINICAL)
Kohen (Priest) Blesses the People
Negative Commandments:
Commandments About Home and Land
Positive Commandments:
Place Mezuzahs
Put up Parapet (Railing)
Negative Commandments:
Don't move boundary markers
Don't sew two kinds of seed in a field
Commandments About Bible
Positive Commandments:
Learn and (eventually) Teach Torah
Write a Torah for Yourself (Acquire your own Bible)
Learn from Torah Scholar (Pastor/teacher etc.)
Negative Commandments:
Don't add to the commandments of the Torah
Don't take away from the commandments of the Torah
Commandments About Food
Positive Commandments:
Wash Hands Before Eating Bread (RABBINICAL)
Perform Ritual Slaughter When Butchering for Food
Cover the Blood of Butchered Food
Negative Commandments:
Don't Eat Thigh Sinew
Don't eat animals killed by other animals
Don't eat forbidden fats
Don't eat blood
Don't eat part of a living animal
Don't cook meat in milk
Don't eat meat cooked in milk
Don't eat non-kosher animals
Don't eat non-kosher birds
Don't eat non-kosher fish
Don't eat winged swarming creatures
Don't eat ground swarming creatures
Don't eat worms
Don't eat water swarming creatures
Don't eat creeping creatures
Don't eat grain before omer offering
Don't eat toasted bread before omer offering
Don't eat ground grain before omer offering
Don't eat chametz after noon on day before passover
Don't eat from a fruit tree in it's first 3 years
Don't eat the food of a rebellious son
Commandments About Judging
Positive Commandments:
Deal with Cases of Anullments
Judge Sales
Judge Inheritances
Negative Commandments:
Don't appoint Unsuitable Judges
Don't hear only one side of a case
Do not pity the poor in a trial, judge everyone equal
Don't Deny Justice to Someone Just Because they are a sinner
Don't unfairly Judge an Orphan or a Convert
Do not judge unjustly
Do not show favor to an important person, judge equally
Don't take a bribe as a judge
Don't fear either party as a judge
Do not judge based on only 1 witness
Do not judge based on a close relative as a witness
Do not reject a sinner as a witness
Commandments About How to Treat Others
Positive Commandments:
Love Neighbor as Self
Love Strangers
Rebuke a Sinner
Remember Amalek
Decimate Amalek
Negative Commandments:
Do Not Murder
Do Not Kidnap
Do Not Steal
Do Not Rob by Force
Do Not Lie About Debts
Don't Hit Someone
Don't Oppress a Convert
Don't Cheat a Convert
Don't Oppress a Widow or Orphan
Don't Demand The Poor to Repay When They Have No Means
Do not be heartless to the poor
Do not cause someone to stumble into sin
Don't hate decent people
Don't shame people
Don't take revenge
Don't bear grudges
Don't fail to rescue those in danger
Don't forget Amalek
Commandments About Animals
Positive Commandments:
Redeem 1st Born Donkey
Break Neck of Unredeemed Donkey
Relieve an Overburdened Donkey
Help Load an Animal
Send Bird From Nest Before Taking Eggs
Negative Commandments:
Don't slay an animal and it's kid on the same day
Don't redeem the firstling of a pure kosher animal
Don't interbreed animals of different species
Don't plow with an ox and a donkey together
Don't fail to unburden an overladen animal
Don't stop an animal from eating while working
Don't take a bird with it's young
Commandments Regarding Occultic Practices
Negative Commandments:
Don't practice augury
Don't practice conjouring or soothsaying
Don't practice divination
Don't practice sorcery
Don't cast charms or spells
Don't be a medium
Don't practice wizardry
Don't inquire of a medium
Don't inquire of a wizard
Don't inquire of the dead
Commandments About Priests
Positive Commandments:
Kohen (Priest) Blesses the People
Give Kohen Tithes of Meat
Give Kohen Tithes of Wool
Give Kohen First Part of Bread
Negative Commandments:
A priest shall not become defiled by the dead
A priest shall not marry a non-jew
A priest shall not marry a profaned woman
A priest shall not marry a divorced woman
Commandments About the Body and Clothing
Negative Commandments:
Bind Tefillin on Your Head
Bind Tefillin on Your Arm
Wear Tzitzits
Don't make tattoos
Don't pluck your hair out for the dead
Don't shave the temples of the head
Don't shave the edges of the beard
A woman should not wear men's clothing
Men should not wear woman's clothing
Do not wear wool and linen together
Commandments About Speech
Positive Commandments:
Fulfil your Vows
Negative Commandments:
Don't Swear in Vain
Don't Swear Falsely in Money Matters
Don't Swear Falsely at All
Don't Give False Testimony
Don't Curse a Decent Person
Don't Curse a Parent
Don't Opress With Words
Don't Gossip
Don't fail to keep a vow
Don't delay to keep a vow
Other Misc. Commandments
Negative Commandments:
Don't remake the holy oil used in the temple
Don't remake the inscence used in the temple
Don't make a paving stone to bow down upon
Don't erect a pillar
Don't leave stumbling blocks
Don't destroy fruit trees during a siege
Don't live in Egypt
The unclean shall not enter the temple mount
Commandments that can only be done in the land of Israel
Leave an ureaped part of the crops, grains and trees
Leave over the gleanings
Leave the leftover grapes on vine
Leave the fallen grapes
Leave the forgotten sheafs
Leave part of the field for the poor
7. Leave ears of grain that fall from bundles
8. Don't gather the leftover grapes from the vine
9. Don't gather the fallen grapes
10. Don't gather a bundle of sheaves that one forgets in the field
11. Tithe from crops to priests
12. Tithe from crops to Levites
13. To tithe from the levitical tithe to the priests
14. To tith the 1st, 2nd, 4th, and 5th year tithes
15. To tithe to the poor the 3rd and 6th year tithes
16. The 4th year yield of a planted tree is holy
17. Vow to God after dispensing produce
18. Do not eat from that which has not been tithed from
19. Don't do tithes out of order
20.Leave ownerless what the land produces on the 7th year
21. keep the 7th year (Sh'mittah)
22. Do not work on the 7th year
23. Do not work the trees in the 7th year
24. Do not harvest the land in the 7th year as normal
25. Do not gather fruit from a tree in the 7th year as normal
26. Do not allow idol worshippers to settle in the land